Mini Face Reading - Taster
Gain some insights into how you face the world...
Service Description
During a mini face reading you will become enlightened as to your face shape and how this shapes your experience in life. Life experiences create impressions which impacts how you react to others. Negative past experiences cause you to shut down in some emotional areas as you unconsciously narrow your vision and create filters of how you see the world as a form of protection. You will learn about your personal challenges as well as have new awareness around your skills and personal potential. Included in the reading is a face split which will show your relationship between your masculine and feminine. You will learn how you present to the world (as in how others see you) and the strength of your relationship to self. You will notice the differences and learn skills to bring you more into alignment. Improve your responses in certain situations. With a mini reading you will learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.

Contact Details
0432 687436