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Embrace the Future with Face Reading Sydney
Your Life, Reimagined
In an effort to support clients make breakthroughs, Face Reading Sydney blends many methods, modalities and philosophies that are both belief- and behavior-based.
Together we address the skill set as well as the mindset. I believe in providing a safe space to allow people to pause, to reflect, to tune in to their own greatness, so that they can regroup for their next leap forward.
As you learn to quieten the mind and embody the changes, the stillness within helps you discover your own inner peace, nurture your space and align your life with your values.


Mar 1, 20242 min read
The Invitation
In 2017 I lived in Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA and I had the opportunity to enjoy an astrology reading. As part of the reading she...
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Oct 16, 20214 min read
The only way out is in
When outside looks confusing and crazy, see it as a reminder to go within. Find you inner calm, inner peace and inner joy.
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Sep 12, 20215 min read
Reducing the risk of dementia - uncovering the brain-body connection
One of my passions is listening to experts in their field. Once a month NeuRA (Neuroscience Research Australia) hosts different speakers....
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Aug 1, 20212 min read
Face Reading Sydney - Newsletters
Newsletters 04/26/2023 - Face Reading Sydney - April 2023 Newsletter 03/08/2023 - Face Reading Sydney - March 2023 Newsletter 02/21/2023...
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Jul 29, 20215 min read
Dopamine dysfunction, depression, delusion and diseases
One of my passions is listening to experts in their field. Yesterday I had the opportunity to listen to Dr Sophie Andrews on a NeuRA...
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Jul 9, 20213 min read
How to become more present
Be still ...easy to say difficult to do. In a world where we are ruled by busyness how does one just stop. How can you teach yourself to...
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Jul 8, 20214 min read
WYSIWYG Or is it - Look deeper, see with compassionate eyes and listen with an open heart
WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get. What I remember from my NLP training that I wanted everyone to know is how the brain distorts,...
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Jul 8, 20214 min read
The synergy of harmonious interactions
How do you do you? How do you talk to yourself? What is your attitude to wellness? Who does your inner voice sound like? Illness is your...
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Jul 7, 20214 min read
Demystifying histology and the issues in the tissues
Histology (Histo - Greek - Tissue; Logy - Greek - Word ) is the study of the shape and arrangement of cells in tissue in the body. All...
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Jul 5, 20214 min read
Accept nuances and embrace context
We all have different ways that we do life - what motivates and inspires one person could create indifference in another. Some people see...
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Jul 5, 20214 min read
The dichotomy of the duplicity of deception
Waters represent emotions which is why the moon affects the tides of the ocean and we get the word lunatic coming from "lunar tic" - if...
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Jul 3, 20214 min read
You are ready when YOU ARE READY
When you have your own experience of an aware moment that you can see, hear and feel energy, life is not quite the same again. I feel...
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Jul 2, 20214 min read
Arrive Curious Leave Inspired
What if every day was like this? Be curious - This is a new moment, wake up and its time to play ... Instead of work I have been toying...
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Jul 1, 20213 min read
Are you ready to F.A.I.L
If you are sitting in your comfort zone and you don't want to upset the apple cart - that's ok. If you are sitting in your comfort zone...
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Jul 1, 20214 min read
Calmness prevails as you become more conscious
YOU are the endpoint of an emotional multigenerational process. You are 100% you and you are made up of the genes from your parents -...
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Jun 29, 20215 min read
Why you don't let your 2 year old drive your vehicle
Your car is the vehicle that gets you from A to B just like your body is your vehicle that drives you through life. When you are in touch...
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Jun 29, 20215 min read
Overcoming depression by embracing self expression
Have you ever wondered why the dark cloud sets in? Are you aware of what is getting you down? Yes - Fantastic, this is great news because...
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Jun 5, 20215 min read
The art and science of emotions - Overcoming frustration and allowing the pathway to emerge
Being a student of psychology and computing I knew about the Turing test from a young age. Back in 1950 Alan Turing asked “Can machines...
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May 25, 20212 min read
You may be feeling like you have hit a wall and don't know which way to turn. Your friends don't understand you and it is hard to get out...
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May 25, 20213 min read
I was struggling to forgive after being a victim of fraud. I had tried the ho'oponopono and it was not just the anger at him but also the...
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