Histology (Histo - Greek - Tissue; Logy - Greek - Word ) is the study of the shape and arrangement of cells in tissue in the body. All cells and tissues in the body derive from three germ layers in the embryo: the ectoderm (inner), mesoderm (middle), and endoderm (outer).
In psychosomatic therapy we talk about the issues in the tissues because when we are trying to decipher the messages from the body, the issues in the tissues provides some valuable insights.
There are 4 different categories of tissues and each have a specific function that contributes to the overall health and maintenance of the body. Any disruptions will affect the appearance, organisation and function and will result in injury or disease. Disease can have mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects and so understanding the issues in the tissues can reveal deeper insights into the failing structure of the body.
Epithelial tissue is the body lining - the sheets of cells which cover the exterior surfaces of the body and the lining in the alimentary canal and other hollow structures.The epithelial tissue originates in all three germ layers.
Connective tissue as the name implies is responsible for the integration of all parts of the body. Like humans who need connection for protection and support this is how the connective tissue functions - it binds the cells and the organs together. The connective tissue derives from the mesoderm.
Muscle tissue responds to stimulation and contracts to provide movement.The skeletal muscle has voluntary control so you can choose to perform an action to instigate movement or not. The single-unit(visceral) smooth muscle is where all of the cells function collectively and simultaneously and operate as a single unit. The multi-unit smooth muscle is where all of the cells are unable to function collectively and work independently. The cardiac muscle surrounds the heart and is involuntary. The muscle tissue derives primarily from the mesoderm.
Nervous tissue propagates the electrochemical messages in the body. The nerve impulses receive signals and transmit information sending messages as electric impulses to communicate to different regions of the body. The nervous tissue derives primarily from the ectoderm.
When we are developing the brain encodes memories (think of the movie "Inside out") based on our experiences. However, when there is.a traumatic event the nervous system overrides the brain and acts in a way to get us out of danger and into safety and so there is no time to encode memories in the brain and the body stores this experience in our connective tissues. The disconnect from the brain severs the connection and so we may not remember the incident as the brain shields us to protect us and the body will hold onto how that made us feel. So now we are going about our day and minding our own business when something happens, through a series of events the feeling reminds us of that traumatic events and before we know it the body is triggered and we are feeling unsafe but don't have any conscious realisation of the reason why.
The build up of these embodied emotions begin to cause blockages in the flow of energy within the body. It is like our body has not managed to close the loop on the experience and so you can re-experience the trauma on an unconscious level. Repetition of the experience causes you to no longer feel at ease and so this disease in the body can manifest physically (as pain), emotionally (as flashbacks or nightmares), mentally (as depression) or spiritually (affecting relationships and our connections with others or self).As this occurs over an extended period of time this can lead to chronic illness.
The sympathetic nervous system is activated when there is a stress response and if you don't switch this off then the body remains in alert mode, ready to protect whatever is attacking you. Imagine how you feel if you were consciously aware of being on alert 24x7. You would be reactive, protective, exhausted and have no reasonable understanding of why. The parasympathetic nervous system responds to rest and digest, basically undoing the work of sympathetic division after a stressful situation.
The tissues connect different organs - each organ holds unconscious repressed emotions which on some level you have not given yourself the freedom to express. So as you begin to learn more about different parts of the body, the connections, the energy centres and the repressed emotions you will gain a deeper level of understanding of the issues in the tissues.
Instead of treating the symptom, work backwards to discover the cause and start treating your illness at the level of cause. Psychosomatic Therapy does not replace evidential based medicine and goes hand in hand to allow you to treat underlying symptoms through a deeper understanding and connection of yourself and your biography as you unravel the mystery of your history and how it has manifested as imbalance on your body.
I invite you connect with yourself on a deeper level and release the emotions - you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Choose to have an experience and see how life changes for you.
Marie is a qualified Master Practitioner and Teacher in Face Reading, Psychosomatic Therapy and NLP. With more than 15 years of experience, Marie brings a unique blend of skill and discernment into these untapped spiritual disciplines. Marie offers inspirational insights into your inner self and personal potential. Reach out to Marie via www.facereadingsydney.com.au
" My passion is to make a difference to people, empowering them to be their best. This can be achieved by increasing their self awareness,
and maintaining a bodymind balance."