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The art and science of emotions - Overcoming frustration and allowing the pathway to emerge

Writer's picture: MarieMarie

Updated: Oct 16, 2021

Being a student of psychology and computing I knew about the Turing test from a young age. Back in 1950 Alan Turing asked “Can machines Think?”. The premise being that can a human decipher whether they are talking to another human or a machine – and if they think they are talking to a human and it ends up being a machine, then the Turing test has been passed. This is one of the most important concepts in AI philosophy.

The focus has always been on the way the brain works and much research has been carried out on the brain and neuroscience is making great headway (pun intended) in this arena.

In 1966, ELIZA was created by Joseph Weizenbaum (computer scientist and MIT professor).It was programmed to be a Rogerian psychotherapist that gave “non-directional” responses. In 1972, PARRY was created by Kenneth Colby and simulated the thinking of a paranoid individual – feeling the motives of others are concealed and dangerous. It managed to fool psychiatrists 50% of the time. In 2014 Eugene Goostman, generated a computer program that simulated a 13-year-old boy from Ukraine, It fooled one of 3 judges.

In 2018, Google Duplex voice AI called a hairdresser and successfully made an appointment in front of the audience. The hairdresser did not recognize she was speaking to an AI bot. Considered to be a ground-breaking achievement in AI voice technology, Google Duplex is also far from passing the Turing test.

If we are trying to simulate the brain and understand how people think, Imagine the work being done by scientists around emotions. In looking at the history of science and emotions. Over the years various scientists have looked at differing models to describe emotions.

Paul Ekman refers to emotions as discrete categories - "discrete" because emotions can be distinguished by facial expression and biological processes. The 6 basic emotions are anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. In the 1990’s he added more Amusement, Contempt, Contentment, Embarrassment, Excitement, Guilt, Pride in achievement, Relief, Satisfaction, Sensory pleasure, and Shame.

Psychosomatic Therapy looks at how you embody emotions and how those emotions are encoded in your brain due to a lifetime of experiences. In essence Psychosomatic Therapy unravels the magic of your mindbody communication – when you know better you do better. Once you realise that your thoughts are driving your behaviours and in turn shaping your experience in this world, you can begin to identify which thoughts are causing you to have positive experiences and equally which unconscious thoughts are creating negative experiences where you are potentially sabotaging yourself.

You can also learn how to decipher the silent messages that your body is communicating to you. In life you get the prod which aims to guide you back on your path. If you don’t hear this message then the next message will be more of a gentle nudge. Ignoring the gentle nudge will eventuate in the messages becoming louder each time – if you continue to ignore the messages then the proverbial mack truck will unleash upon you until you do choose to pursue a different decision. Hindsight is 2020 vision however if you become more still and if you move more gently you will be more open to see, hear and feel the messages.

Katie was a very smart client of mine. She was quick to learn new ways of doing things and integrated new knowledge instantly. She has a wide, open forehead and so very creative in her thinking. She has a strong jawline and so has the potential to be the snowplough when she sets her vision on what she wants to achieve. The challenge Katie had was the feeling that went alongside her motivation to get things done. Katie would either progress with activities at a million miles an hour or she would be stuck in procrastination unable to take the first step. Obviously, this left her feeling frustrated and angry at not being able to achieve her dreams.

As part of the coaching sessions that followed we worked on bringing Katies vision into her present, it was too far into the future and so it felt unattainable, hence the procrastination and unwillingness to even start – she was defeated before she began. We moved the vision closer so that it was in reach. Next we worked on embodying that vision – she felt into the blocks in her body that manifested as obstacles on her path to realise her vision. We completed some processes to shift the energies in her body so that the heaviness lifted and she felt inspired and energised to take the first step.

Essentially Katie had so many options of what to do she did not do any. Our sessions helped her to focus and pinpoint the next step that she needed to take. She felt comfortable in the knowledge that she was not following a step-by-step plan to her goal however she could take the next step, feel into it and this helped her stay inspired and motivated. Her creative mind did not want her to be limited into the ways other people had done things – part of her creative process was to have an experience and do things in her own way.

She became aware of the limiting beliefs that she held and as they were removed she opened up to the possibilities for seeing and doing things very differently. In turn she felt energised and the inspiration projected her forwards. In her case changing the beliefs had a visible impact on her body as her stomach used to be bloated and blocked – the creativity was released and that energised her.

If you find yourself stuck – knowing what you want but not having a clear way to get there – feel free to reach out and allow me to read your biography which is written all over your face. Learn to see where you are your greatest obstacle and start to see where you can be your own cheerleader. If you can learn how to listen to the messages of your body – Imagine how you could learn to do life differently. No one session is the same because your dreams are you own, your story is not like anybody else and your gifts and challenges are unique to you.

Marie is a qualified Master Practitioner and Teacher in Face Reading, Psychosomatic Therapy and NLP. With more than 15 years of experience, Marie brings a unique blend of skill and discernment into these untapped spiritual disciplines. Marie offers inspirational insights into your inner self and personal potential. Reach out to Marie via

" My passion is to make a difference to people, empowering them to be their best. This can be achieved by increasing their self awareness,

and maintaining a bodymind balance."

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